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Showing posts with the label pals certification

PALS Study Materials - Pediatric Pulseless Arrest Algorithm

PALS Study Materials -Normal Pediatric Vital Signs

PALS Study Materials - Pediatric Assessment Flow Chart

A Call For Women To Stop Wearing Yoga Pants To The Gym

Women should stop wearing yoga pants to the gym immediately, at least that's the opinion of one New York Time's writer.

Deadly Flu Hits The South

Down and out with the flu in Tennessee?  Getting help quickly could be the key to a faster recovery.  Treatment at early onset is key, particularly for infants, children, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.   Visit an urgent care center for help as soon as you think you may have the flu.  If you are Tennessee, try Fast Pace Urgent Care.  Visit their site for a list of locations and hours.

Ever Feel Like Someone's Watching You? Well, Netflix Is!

Creepy tweet from Netflix that they're watching us!

This Year's Flu Shot - Only 10% Effective?

How important is getting a flu shot this year if it is possibly only 10% against effective?